Frequently Asked Questions

How do I cancel my subscription?

Please follow the steps below to cancel your subscription.

1) Log into the Mog Station ( with the SQUARE ENIX Account that you used to play FINAL FANTASY XIV.
* If you possess multiple service accounts, you will be taken to the service account selection screen. Please carefully navigate through the tabs and select the correct service account you intend to cancel the subscription on, then select "Use This Service Account."

 2) Select "Service Account Status" from the menu on the left hand side of the screen.

 3) Select "Cancel Subscription."
* The "Cancel Subscription" option will only be present if you have an active recurring subscription.

 4) Follow the instructions on screen to complete the cancellation procedure.

* Please note, you will still be able to play for the remainder of the time left on the account. If you cancel immediately after paying for a 30-day subscription, for example, you will still be able to play for the 30-day period you paid for. The SQUARE ENIX Support Center is unable to offer refunds on subscriptions, so please be sure to cancel your subscription before the recurring billing date. The system will send notifications out to the registered email address before subscriptions will be charged.

FAQ Article: 68504
FAQ Category: [Accounts/ID] / FAQ Sub-category: [Account Cancellation]

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