• Lair reives in Yorcia Weald, Marjami Ravine, Kamihr Drifts, and Outer Ra’Kaznar will undergo the following adjustments.
    • Respawn delay will be decreased from fifteen minutes to five minutes.
    • Lair HP, intermediary rewards, and experience/bayld gains for successful completion will increase the deeper into in the area the reive is located.
  • Colonization reives in Yorcia Weald, Marjami Ravine, Kamihr Drifts, Dho Goates, Woh Gates, and Outer Ra’Kaznar will undergo the following adjustments.
    • Reive terrain obstacle HP will be decreased.
    • Reive terrain obstacles will take more damage.
    • Intermediary rewards and experience/bayld gains for successful completion will be increased.
  • Non-accessory weapons and armor of item level 115 dropped by Naakuals in wildskeeper reives will now be eligible for augmentation.
    • The "paragon" line of key items obtainable from the various Naakuals will be required for augmenting these items, and will be consumed in the process.
    • Augmentation Information
      • Available augmentations will vary by paragon item, with a total of six per item. Three of these augmentations will be shared, while three will be unique.
      • Attributes affected and values thereof are fixed.
    • Infusing the Augmentations
      • Players will be able to choose two augmentations: one shared and one unique.
      • Should players be unsatisfied with his choices, they will be able to use another paragon item to change to a different set.

If you wish to discuss or submit feedback on this topic, please use the [dev1207] tag.