Good day, adventurers!
Matsui here with your first update of 2023.
I hope you all enjoyed Director Fujito’s New Year’s greetings.
We’ve got a lot in store for 2023, and we hope that this year will be even better than the last.
Let’s dive right into the January version update.
First up, we have The Voracious Resurgence. Although we had to push it back by a month, Chapter 10 is coming your way in January. It opens up with us trailing the Destiny Destroyers in Movalpolos. There are plenty of twists and turns to uncover as we delve ever further into the secrets of just what makes Vana’diel the way it is. I hope you will enjoy the story.
As The Voracious Resurgence approaches its climax, the team is hard at work on the various battle and event scene that play out in Chapter 11—a task that predictably requires a good amount of time to create and verify to ensure that it meets our standards. After part 1 of Chapter 11 goes live, we’re going to take a short breather to make part 2 shine.
For ambuscade moogles and flans make their return. Balancing is crucial in the moogle battle, with multi-hit Blood Pact resistance playing a role, and we have made some adjustments to the allied moogle healing sphere effect range—specifically increasing it a touch.
The flan battle is themed after a Japanese game known as “Fukuwari” (look it up if you’re interested!) and striking a balance between physical and magical damage increases the time that you’re able to spend in the advantageous phase of the battle in which you can deal increased damage to make the fight go quicker. Al though you can still win without getting the right “face,” doing so will reward you with a special bonus monster as a New Year’s gift from us to you.
“Good things come to those who smile” is a famous Japanese proverb, and I hope that both your real lives and Vana’diel lives are filled with smiles in 2023. I know the team here will do their best to bring you content that'll keep you smiling in 2023.
Until then, see you in Vana’diel!
Mission and Quest-related
Implementation Timing Update Task and Details In-progress Task Details January Records of Eminence ・Update monthly objectives - January The Voracious Resurgence ・Add new quests
Content and System-relatedItem-related
Implementation Timing Update Task and Details In-progress Task Details January Ambuscade ・Replace notorious monsters
・Replace reward items- January Titles ・Add new titles
Implementation Timing Update Task and Details In-progress Task Details January Synergy Recipes ・Add new recipes - January Items ・Add new items - January Porter Moogle ・Add to list of supported items -